What is a TPN assessment?
The TPN is a network of vendors dedicated to maintaining high standards of security within the entertainment industry. The TPN itself is brought to us by the Motion Picture Association (MPA). The assessment measures an organization’s security preparedness against the MPA Content Security Best Practices.

How to Pass your TPN Assessment
The easiest way to pass your TPN assessment is to work closely with an experienced, certified provider. Island Technologies has an in-house TPN certified assessor named Patrick Coffin. Patrick Coffin has worked with network security for over 30 years and has many entertainment projects under his belt. Patrick will consult with you about your content security processes in preparation for your assessment.

Meet Your Assessor
Patrick Coffin—President of Island Technologies and Certified TPN Assessor—will guide you through the entire process from start to finish. With his decades of experience in digital security, you can be confident your project will be in good hands.
Book NowPast Security Assessments
Island Technologies boasts a long history of success in the realm of security assesment and remediation. We have helped vendors meet the requirements of large entertainment entities like Disney, Paramount, Fox, and Amazon Studios (see full timeline below). After passing your assesment, you will be in the select few who may apply for these A-List contracts.

2011 & 2017




NBC Universal

Amazon Studios

The Island Advantage
The advantage working with Island Technologies is that—in addition to Patrick—you will also have access to our whole team of software and hardware experts. We can implement recommendations or connect directly with your existing tech team. Together, we will make sure your organization will be ready to pass assessment the first time.